Saturday, October 4, 2008

October 4, 2008 (Saturday)



“I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.” – Luke 10:17

My friend Nette and her toddler were looking at a Children’s Bible one night. The child read several more stories, until he got to the part where Jesus died on the Cross. He almost always skips this because the images and descriptions of Jesus dying and suffering made him sad and upset. He read on.

“See here, Nanay. Jesus is wearing a crown of thorns, it’s not a real crown, and it’s painful.... It says here, ‘Jesus wants to help us live with God in heaven. When we sin, we can’t go there. But Jesus died to take away our sin. He wants to be our Savior. He will if we ask. Will you ask Him?’”

He stopped and appeared to be considering the question. And Nette felt the Spirit telling her to give her son a gentle nudge.

“Do you want to ask Jesus to be your Savior?” asked the mother “Yes,” answered the boy and immediately prayed, “Jesus, will You please be my Savior?” Then he paused a bit, looking up at the ceiling. “Thank You, Jesus. Amen.”

Simply amazing! All of us should take our cue from the faith of children. Jun Asis

Has our faith succumbed to the complexity of adult life? Can our faith be as simple as that of a child?

Lord, grant that we may be childlike in faith. May we learn to pray like a child, in all simplicity and sincerity.



St. Francis of Assisi is one of the best-loved saints. He truly gave his life in service of the Kingdom of God after his conversion, and experienced a far greater abundance of blessing than Job. The blessings we read that Job received are all here and now (except that of family and kin), but Francis seemed to live with a special understanding of God’s presence with him. Nothing, and I mean nothing, seemed to cause him to doubt. The order he found has been one of the greatest blessings the Church has received in terms of evangelizing zeal.

Job 42: 1-3, 5-6, 12-17
1 Then Job answered the LORD and said: 2 I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be hindered. 3 I have dealt with great things that I do not understand; things too wonderful for me, which I cannot know. 5 I had heard of you by word of mouth, but now my eye has seen you. 6 Therefore I disown what I have said, and repent in dust and ashes. 12 Thus the LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his earlier ones. For he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses. 13 And he had seven sons and three daughters, 14 of whom he called the first Jemimah, the second Keziah, and the third Keren-happuch. 15 In all the land no other women were as beautiful as the daughters of Job; and their father gave them an inheritance among their brethren. 16 After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; and he saw his children, his grandchildren, and even his great-grandchildren. 17 Then Job died, old and full of years.


Psalm 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130
R: Lord, let your face shine on me.
66 Teach me wisdom and knowledge, for in your commands I trust. (R) 71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn your statutes. (R) 75 I know, O LORD, that your ordinances are just, and in your faithfulness you have afflicted me. (R) 91 According to your ordinances they still stand firm; all things serve you. (R) 125 I am your servant; give me discernment that I may know your decrees. (R) 130 The revelation of your words sheds light, giving understanding to the simple. (R)


Jesus sent out His disciples to evangelize. Francis followed the same model with his brothers. In my formation to become a priest, we attempted to imitate this model as well. There was something liberating about traveling around with no money and only the Gospel to share with others. I think it is probably harder to do that today than a few centuries ago because of the mindset of people now. But that did not stop us receiving many blessings over a two-week mission. God does provide for His own!

Luke 10:17-24
17 The seventy-two returned rejoicing, and said, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name.” 18 Jesus said, “I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky. 19 Behold, I have given you the power ‘to tread upon serpents’ and scorpions and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will harm you. 20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” 21 At that very moment he rejoiced [in] the holy Spirit and said, “I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will. 22 All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.” 23 Turning to the disciples in private he said, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. 24 For I say to you, many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.”

my reflections
think: God does provide for His own!


God’s special verse/thought for me today________________

Thank You Lord for: ____________________________________




God will always give us everything we need to live the life of a disciple. In today’s Gospel, Jesus rejoices in the fact that the disciples realize they have been given power over the devil in order to proclaim the Kingdom of God. It is the same for us all. Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we all share in the victory of Christ over sin. Just like the disciples of Jesus, it is up to us to appropriate this victory and use it for the glory of the Kingdom of God.

People often complain to me that they never experience this so-called “victory” over sin. My first response is usually to ask them whether or not they are serious about following Jesus as His disciple. The conversation that follows normally reveals a half-hearted attempt at discipleship and a corresponding half-experience of the power of God in the persons life. We must realize that the Christian life is not about God handing to us everything we want on a platter. We must be committed in living our lives as His disciples. Without this, it is not possible for us to receive the fullness of all God offers us because we will not really know what it is that He offers us nor how to put the graces into practice in our lives.

Discipleship is a way of life, not just an addendum to the life we live in the world. In fact, discipleship must come before all other commitments if we are truly going to give Jesus His rightful place in our lives. This is what most of us fail to grasp as well as what it means to have faith in God and to place our trust in Him. We fail to approach this way of life on the terms given to us by God and try to live it on our own terms. This will ultimately fail as Christianity is all about following Jesus, not our own will. Fr. Steve Tynan

Reflection Question:
What are the priorities of my life at this time? How can I improve their order, if necessary?

Holy Spirit, help me to honestly look at my life and set right my priorities according to Your will and not my own.

St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan Order, pray for us.

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