Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1, 2008 (Wednesday)



“Anyone who starts to plow and then keeps looking back is of no use for the Kingdom of God.” – Luke 9:62

When people ask me, “How are you able to do all that you do?” I always answer, “I’ve got great friends.” Let me introduce some of them.

Pio Español left a lucrative job to work fulltime as a leader of the Light of Jesus Community (LOJC). He now serves as our missionary in America and Canada. Hermie Morelos, despite being the president of a huge company and father of five kids, still managed to serve as the leader of LOJC for many years. Jill Ramiscal was president of a couple of San Miguel subsidiaries, yet served God managing Shepherd’s Voice, the publisher of Didache. After his retirement, instead of playing golf the whole day, he has chosen to continue serving God as our president. Roy Pasimio is our missionary to New Zealand and Australia. Even while he cares for a daughter with cancer, he continues to preach and build communities. And Tim Duran, at 68, still serves as over-all director for Anawim.

These five men are just a part of the team who serves with me. They served and they’re still at it, year in and year out.

Dear reader, imitate my great friends. Bo Sanchez

Keep plowing. Never look back.

Lord, hone my skills, make me of good use for Your Kingdom.



Job is certain that is not his place to challenge the wisdom of God. He cannot believe that God would be in the wrong. He is right, of course; nevertheless, it seems that Job’s arguments are not good enough for some people today who regularly question whether God knows what He is doing with them, or more broadly, with the world.

Job 9: 1-12 , 14-16
1 Job answered and said: 2 I know well that it is so; but how can a man be justified before God? 3 Should one wish to contend with him, he could not answer him once in a thousand times. 4 God is wise in heart and mighty in strength; who has withstood him and remained unscathed? 5 He removes the mountains before they know it; he overturns them in his anger. 6 He shakes the earth out of its place, and the pillars beneath it tremble. 7 He commands the sun, and it rises not; he seals up the stars. 8 He alone stretches out the heavens and treads upon the crests of the sea. 9 He made the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south; 10 he does great things past finding out, marvelous things beyond reckoning. 11 Should he come near me, I see him not; should he pass by, I am not aware of him; 12 should he seize me forcibly, who can say him nay? Who can say to him, “What are you doing?” 14 How much less shall I give him any answer, or choose out arguments against him! 15 Even though I were right, I could not answer him, but should rather beg for what was due me. 16 If I appealed to him and he answered my call, I could not believe that he would hearken to my words.


Psalm 88: 10bc-11, 12-13, 14-15
R: Let my prayer come before you, Lord.
9 [10] Daily I call upon you, O LORD; to you I stretch out my hands. 10 [11] Will you work wonders for the dead? Will the shades arise to give you thanks? (R) 11 [12] Do they declare your mercy in the grave, your faithfulness among those who have perished? 12 [13] Are your wonders made known in the darkness, or your justice in the land of oblivion? (R) 13 [14] But I, O LORD, cry out to you; with my morning prayer I wait upon you. 14 [15] Why, O LORD, do you reject me; why hide from me your face? (R)


Jesus tells His disciples that the decision to follow Him has consequences. One of those consequences is that we are not to return or look back on our original way of life. That is, if we choose to follow Him, we recognize that this is exclusive of the other options in our life! We know this and are happy to make the decision. It may not be easy to exclude certain options from our life, but this is exactly what discipleship is all about.

Luke 9: 57-62
57 As Jesus and his disciples were proceeding on their journey someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” 58 Jesus answered him, “Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.” 59 And to another he said, “Follow me.” But he replied, “Lord, let me go first and bury my father.” 60 But he answered him, “Let the dead bury their dead. But you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” 61 And another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say farewell to my family at home.” 62 Jesus answered him, “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.”

my reflections
think: If we choose to follow Jesus, we recognize that this is exclusive of the other options in our life!


God’s special verse/thought for me today________________

Thank You Lord for: ____________________________________

The ultimate purpose of my life

Priority areas God wants me to work on

Things I will pray for regularly

When I “Until now, you have not When the “Ask and you shall receive,
started asked for anything in My Name.” answer that your joy may be full.”
praying - John 16: 24a came - John 16: 24b

Things I will pray for regularly MY LIFE

People God wants me to People God wants me to
bring closer to Him pray for and show more love to



One of the signs of a person of integrity is their willingness to see through to the end the projects they start. Jesus reflects this idea in the Gospel when He tells His disciples that once they start out on the path of discipleship, turning back is never an option to consider. In other words, as we set out to follow Jesus, let us be sure that we are ready to follow this decision through whatever difficulties and hardships we might encounter.

Unfortunately, one of the attitudes that seems to be growing more and more prevalent, particularly in young people, is that of giving up as soon as any sort of difficulty or hardship arises in the course of their lives. This often occurs within marriages. Nearly half of all marriages end in separation or divorce because couples are unwilling to work through difficulties that occur in their relationships. Thus, the response when a difficulty arises is to run away from it and give up on the marriage. Such a response makes a mockery of commitment and true love. True love will not be daunted by the size of any problem. It will always find a way to overcome any difficulty.

Therese of Lisieux is looked on as a saint whose vocation was to love. She desired many things in her life and discovered that she could achieve them all through loving the people God placed in her life. Therese discovered this was not always easy. Some of the most difficult people to love are those we are closest! Yet, God will always give us the grace to find a way to love them because He is a God of love. Therese stands as a great example to us of what it means to see through a commitment to the end no matter what it entails for us. In being faithful to her call, she discovered that her desires could be fulfilled, though in ways that at first she was unaware were possible.

As we think today of the many commitments we have made to God, ourselves and others, let us allow the example of Therese and her intercession to inspire and help us to be faithful to them all. Fr. Steve Tynan

Reflection Question:
Do I finish the things I begin? Am I committed to following Jesus as His disciple no matter where He leads me?

Holy Spirit, thank You for Your grace and strength in my life. Help me to be faithful to God’s call in all its details and to persevere in it to the end.

St. Bavo, hermit, pray for us.

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